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Submitting An Article For Publication

Native Languages of the Americas is always interested in publishing quality articles on indigenous American topics. In particular, our organization is committed to publishing any Native American language materials which need it; as long as native language texts are accurate and we are technologically capable of supporting them, we will always give them a home here. We host all language materials free of charge. Please send a query letter before sending any language materials in email attachments, because our email service blocks attachments from unknown addresses.

We also occasionally publish original articles about Native American culture, history, and experiences. Unlike the language materials, though, we do not accept all articles which are submitted to us. The guidelines for articles we accept are these:

  1. The article must be relevant to one or more specific Native American tribes.
  2. The article must be accurate, respectful, and contain no bad language.
  3. The article must be original and submitted by the person who has written it.
  4. The author's name and tribal affiliation (if any) must be published along with the article.
  5. The article must be well-written and informative.

We publish original writing by both native and non-native authors, but if the author is not native the article will be checked by a tribal member before being accepted for publication. We welcome articles written for either adults or kids on nearly any cultural or historical topic, but they must be tribally specific. We do not publish literature at this time, though we're happy to consider autobiographical nonfiction about tribal life. We may publish opinion articles about political matters of interest to a specific indigenous community, but for those we require that the author publish his or her own email address on the page as a contact since our nonprofit organization does not take official positions on non-linguistic issues. We prefer articles between 500 and 5000 words in length, and can accept submissions of plain text or Word documents. We can include pictures with your article, but they may be compressed for size. We can include soundfiles, but will not include Flash or any other animation, java applets, or most other special web features. You retain all rights to your own writing. There is no submission fee. Please send a query letter before sending any article submissions in email attachments, because our email service blocks attachments from unknown addresses.

If you would like to submit language materials or an article you have written, send a query letter, or ask for further submission details, please feel free to send us email. Thanks for your interest in contributing to our site!

Laura Redish, Director
Orrin Lewis, Tribal Coordinator

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