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Taino Indians

Taino indian Language

taino symbols
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Taino is an Arawakan language of the Caribbean, originally spoken in what is now Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the Bahamas. Today there are two Taino languages: the original Taino tongue--which, though not spoken as a first language today, is being taught to Taino children in an active language revival program--and a unique Spanish-Taino creole, spoken by many Taino people, using Spanish grammar but with half of its vocabulary words Taino in origin. As with many creoles, monolingual Spanish speakers cannot understand this new Taino-Spanish language at all.

Taino Vocabulary

The Taino language is related to other Arawakan languages, like Guajiro and Arawak. We have included twenty basic Taino words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. If you need to know a Taino word that is not currently on our page, you can take part in our translation of Native American languages fundraiser or visit our main Taino language site for more free resources.

Taino Word Set

English (Français) Taino words
One (Un) Heketi
Two (Deux) Yamoca
Three (trois) Canocum
Four (Quatre) Bibiti
Man (Homme) Iro
Woman (Femme) Inaru
Dog (Chien) Aon
Sun (Soleil) Guey
Moon (Lune) Karaya
Water (Eau) Ni
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